Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Toddler helps others after being declared brain dead - WRDW.com ...

News 12 11 o'clock/Sunday, Feb. 17, 2013

Augusta, GA. (WRDW)-- The Thompson family is wrestling with the news that their little boy is brain dead. 3-year-old John Thomas was rescued from a fire in a Harrisburg home last weekend. The family says the Coroner declared the child brain dead last night, but he's on life support so he can be an organ donor.

"He's been pronounced brain dead...I think it was around 2:37 yesterday afternoon" said the child's grandmother.

3 year-old John Thompson survived the fire initially, but as the days kept mounting his condition got worse. Especially, yesterday.

"They told us he was going to be taken of life support" said the Grandmother.

Llateia Hyman, is the toddlers grandmother. When she realized there were probably no more birthdays for the toddler, she and his mother, decided to give John a last opportunity to help someone.

"We decided to donate his organs last night." said Hyman.

Even though, she doesn't personally believe in organ donation, Hyman says that decision was made for one reason.

"If it was John that needed an organ, we would definitely want to take it" said Hyman

She isn't sure who will receive any organs from John, but she is certain of one thing.

"We miss John, but we are ok with whatever god, chooses for us" said Hyman.

She says God is what's keeping her strong.

"My faith has been in his hands since" said Hyman.

The toddlers mother says her faith is also keeping her strong, but she thought the worst when she saw the house.

"My baby is gone, because the way that fire looked, it was outrageous" said the toddler's mother.

Despite the loss of life, the grandmother, thanks God she had one last chance with John before he left them.

"Looking at the house that he came out of, we know that he could have looked like the house" said Hyman.

Hyman is thankful she could recognize her grandchild, but now she just wants to give him a proper burial, and needs help.

"A lot of people think, so many people are responding, so no one is responding" said Hyman.

The family has received some donations, but are still several thousand dollars short to cover all the funeral cost. They will set up the, "Baby John Funeral Fund" after the President's day holiday. You should be able to make a donation at any Wells Fargo bank.

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Copyright WRDW-TV News 12. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished without express written permission.

Source: http://www.wrdw.com/home/headlines/Toddler-helps-others-after-being-declared-brain-dead--191614641.html

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