Monday, April 1, 2013

Writing and Speaking: Which Method Is Best?

Article marketing has become the hot topic online and for internet marketers. That's because it's so powerful and can be done for pretty much any type of business. It doesn't matter if you have an online website business or a brick and mortar company, or both. Frequent publishing of articles can have a profound impact on your web traffic and the opinion of you and your company as a trusted authority.
This particular article, however, is not meant to educate you on why article marketing is such a good idea. Instead, e will deal with a common question that is important to answer. And that question is, "When I publish an article, should I re-write it for each site I want to post to, or is it okay to publish the same article on multiple sites?"
There are many factors to consider here. Obviously, if you can post the same piece of writing multiple times, you greatly increase the amount of content you can put online in a given timeframe. On the other hand, it is generally known that search engines, who heavily index and produce search results from these article directories, will ignore or at the very least, not benefit you with duplicate content. So again, which is the better way to go?
Let's begin by examining just what article marketing does. In the first place, it provides a great deal of keyword rich, helpful content to the web that is directly linked to you. Secondly, it gets heavily indexed and searched by the search engines. Thirdly, other webmasters and bloggers will often link to or embed your work on their sites, thus syndicating you and creating even more traffic for you. This has the added benefit of not only putting more of your content out there but creating a lot of quality back links to your websites.
Now, as stated, this article is not a how to on article marketing or writing. But it must be understood why this method is so powerful. So let's review what we said above:
1. Publishing articles creates quality direct links from high ranked article directories to your websites which helps your search engine rank.
2. This content gets read by the users of these directories who are already interested in your topics, and they have a convenient link to follow to get to you.
3. Search engines are designed to provide the most helpful results for searchers, and thus they really love to show articles as results.
4. Your work can be syndicated and exponentially increase your exposure.
5. The more you post the more popular you get, the more popular you get the more yu wil be seen and indexed.
So now let's look at the question again. If it's not okay to post duplicate content, then the syndication of your articles is not helpful, because obviously, it's duplicate content. But this is not so, for even if this doesn't help get you in the search results more, it does expose you to more eyeballs simply because you are on so many different sites.
Second, by writing unique content every time, you can still say the same thing over and over but in a different way and with a different tone. This makes the search engines happy and also gives syndicators more unique content to copy.
The more content you can publish in a shorter time, the more you will get noticed by everybody. Article marketing is a numbers game, after all. One of the biggest keys to a successful article marketing campaign is to crank them out frequently.
So you might be asking yourself, "Okay, but that's not an answer, you seem to be waffling." Well, not really. The answer we have is this: Do both. Of course, there are many who will say only post unique content, and those who swear by duplication. A lot of this is open to interpretation and opinion.
But think of it this way: More often than not in life, doing one thing all the time is never totally a good idea. You should always switch it up. So what we would recommend is find a blend between writing a unique article, even on the same topic for all of your favorite article sites, and publishing one article on all of them sometimes. Perhaps a good rule of thumb here is the 80 / 20 rule. The 80 / 20 rule works in so many things. In other words, 80% of the time, you write unique content. 20% of the time you write one article and put it up everywhere you want. Although even in this case, we'd suggest altering the title at least.
Now, you may find that 70/30 works better, or 50/50. It doesn't' really matter, although anything below 50% unique is probably not a good idea. Yes, this does mean a lot of work. And that's where we want to briefly touch on the thought that when we say you are writing, we mean that articles are being published for your business and topics. You may need to hire a good writer to help with this. It'll cost a few bucks, but then again, what quality thing in life doesn't? And the end result will be well worth it.

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