Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Professional Business Marketing ? DC Fawcett Announces New ...

Brandon, FL (PRWEB) March 22, 2013

D.C. Fawcett is an Internet Marketing entrepreneur who has been teaching online marketing principles to small business and individuals since 2009.

He says many entrepreneurs constantly make the mistake of thinking that because a product isn?t selling, it must be a dud.

DC Fawcett commented, ?Many times a business owner will dump a product based on sales, and there?s nothing wrong with that, some things just don?t turn a profit. But what I?ve found in helping thousands of small businesses is that many times it?s not the product, but the message.?

In an article published in the Wall Street Journal, Hillshire Farms recently changed the look of their lunch meat by changing the packaging. The article explains how the packaging was changed in an effort to boost sales, with very little being done to enhance the actual lunch meat itself.

DC Fawcett noted, ?Hillshire Farms is a perfect example of repackaging a product. The only reason they added seasonings to the meat, was because consumers wanted a more natural looking meat, and because they had changed their packaging to a clear container so the meat could be seen before buying, which is another thing consumers wanted. At the end of the day, they simply gave the consumer what they wanted, which is what good business is all about.?

From accountants to veterinarians, DC Fawcett says they all have one thing common; ?they need to understand the principles of marketing better.?

DC Fawcett added, ?So much money is lost in marketing efforts in small businesses because they either try to do it themselves, and fall prey to bad marketing ideas. If my dog needs help, I?m going to a vet. When a business needs help, they should seek out a marketing professional. Many marketing messages are simply a waste of money because they?re not done correctly. I recently helped a small business owner with repackaging just one of his products he was getting ready to dump. When we restated the message to what the consumer wanted, his sales quadrupled.?

DC Fawcett teaches basic business marketing principles and Internet marketing strategies to business owners and individuals alike. He?s offering a tutorial on how to repackage your product by giving consumers what they want.

For more information visit http://www.internetmarketingbasicsblog.com/?p=235


DC Fawcett Corporation

DC Fawcett

622 E Lumsden Rd, Brandon, FL 33511-6524

(813) 689-2300

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Source: http://lowbrowse.org/dc-fawcett-announces-new-repackaging-course-to-eliminate-business-owners-marketing-complaints.html

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