Monday, March 25, 2013

Nominate Best 2013 Mobile Ad Campaign - Business Insider

We want to know: What is the best mobile advertising campaign that you've seen so far in 2013? ?

Business Insider is prepping for our upcoming Mobile?Advertising Conference, scheduled for June 13, 2013, in New York. This must-attend conference brings together the who's who in mobile advertising and covers how big brands are using technology to effectively engage mobile consumers.?

We want to include the best of the best at the conference ? and need your help. Whether it's in-content ads, branded apps, mobile video, casual games, or something entirely new, we want you to tell us which big brands are impressing you the most with their mobile efforts. The most interesting nominees will be invited to speak at the conference.

To nominate an ad campaign, simply email us at with the following information:

    • Name of brand/product.
    • Three-sentence description of where you saw the campaign and why it impressed you.
    • Bonus: please include visuals plus name/contact info of the brains behind the ad campaign.


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