Sunday, March 31, 2013

'Clark Rockefeller' On Trial For Murder - Business Insider


Christian Gerhartsreiter in court in 2008.

A 52-year-old German immigrant by the name of Christian Gerhartsreiter is on trial this month in Los Angeles for the 1985 murder of California man John Sohus.

While Gerhartsreiter is little known, many have heard of his alter-ego, Clark Rockefeller. Rockefeller was the subject of Lifetime movie, "Who is Clark Rockefeller?" and a fantastic 2009 Vanity Fair profile.

His case may be the most unbelievable case of fraud in modern America. Now, if Gerhartsreiter is found guilty in Los Angeles, it may include a grisly double murder too.

"Clark Rockefeller"

In the 1990s, Gerhartsreiter, who is believed to have snuck into the country as a teenager, managed to convince many of New England's elite that he was the moneyed son of George Rockefeller and Mary Roberts.

He was so convincing that he managed to marry Sandra Boss, a high-earning Mckinsey executive with degrees from Stanford and Harvard Business School. The couple had a child together, living entirely off of Boss' salary,?said to be in the range of $2 million a year.

The couple eventually separated; Boss became suspicious of her husband's identity (she hired a private detective who confirmed he wasn't a Rockefeller) and his behavior was increasingly bizarre.

Gerhartsreiter responded by putting his $800,000 divorce settlement in gold coins and abducting their daughter. After an international manhunt, he was caught and sentenced to jail in 2009 for the kidnapping and assault and battery, with the jury rejecting the defense of insanity.

The court case revealed some other tall tales by Gerhartsreiter, according to the Boston Globe, ?including "his?work with the international Trilateral Commission; the blame he bore for the collapse of the Asian financial markets; and that he ended seven mute years as a child with the word 'woofness.'"

ABC News had more details from an FBI profile, noting that Gerhartsreiter "does not use metal utensils, will not eat bread unless it is white Pepperidge Farm with the crusts cut off, and that he met Sandra Boss at a Clue party where she was dressed as Scarlett O'Hara and he was Colonel Mustard. The two fell for one another while speaking Klingon, the language spoken by some on the TV series 'Star Trek.""

After that trial's publicity, Gerhartsreiter was traced back to Germany, where his birth parents said they had not seen him since 1978. Gerhartsreiter refused to accept this, instead claiming former actress Ann Carter had raised him (a claim she later denied).

The Murder Twist

The new trial in Los Angeles began earlier this month and relates to another time in Gerhartsreiter's life and another identity ? Christopher Chichester.

John Sohus and his wife disappeared in 1985 in San Marino. Sohus' alcoholic mother told friends that the pair had gone on a top secret mission for the government. Nine years later human remains were found under the Sohus' home ? the remains appeared to belong to John Sohus, and he appeared to have been bludgeoned to death, hacked to pieces, and put into plastic bags. His wife's remains have not been discovered.

For decades the case was unsolved, but as more details come out about Gerhartsreiter's past, he has emerged as a clear suspect.

A "Christopher Chichester" was known to have rented a guest house from Sohus' mother at the time. The same man later tried to sell witnesses an?Oriental rug that appeared to have a bloody stain on it, according to the Los Angeles Times, and had the victim's truck after his death.

One piece of Sohus' body was found in a plastic bag stamped with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Gerhartsreiter studied at the university during the time that that logo was in use.

This week the court heard testimony from a girlfriend who lived in New York with Gerhartsreiter during the late 1980s that he acted bizarre?when a police officer attempted to contact him about the murder. Gerhartsreiter ? then living as Christopher Crowe ? apparently dyed his hair black and his eyebrows blonde.

Gerhartsreiter's ex-wife, Boss, is expected to testify in the case, which may well bring out more details.

Gerhartsreiter may never testify in the trial himself ? defense lawyers are refusing to say if he will or not, according to the Boston Herald ? so jurors were shown?an August 2008 interview of Christian Gerhartsreiter on NBC's "Today", wherein he offers an oblique denial.

The denial comes around 11 minutes into the video below, but the entire interview is fascinating to watch ? for example, the moment where?Gerhartsreiter puts on a Scottish accent and recites Robert Burns.

Will He Be Convicted?

One big problem with the murder case is that events took place so long ago, at least two witnesses have failed to recognize Gerhartsreiter in court, the Los Angeles Times reports, and a lot of the evidence in the case is circumstantial at best.

Gerhartsreiter's defense rests upon pointing the blame towards John Sohus' wife Linda, arguing that she was more physically capable of killing her husband in such a violent manner (at 6 feet tall, Linda was almost a foot taller than Gerhartsreiter).

While nearly everyone agrees that Gerhartsreiter is an unusual guy, convicting him of murder may be a much harder task.


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A+ Certification for Librarians: The Exam | Sweet Librarian

What is A+ Certification?

According to the CompTIA website, ?The CompTIA A+ certification is the starting point for a career in IT. The exam covers maintenance of PCs, mobile devices, laptops, operating systems and printers.?

More specifically, certification is confered after successful passage of two exams, 220-701 and 220-702, or 220-801 and 220-802, depending on when you schedule your exam. The 700 series is being offered until August 31, 2013 and covers Windows 2000, XP and Vista. The 800 series is an updated version of the exam which covers Windows 7 as well as tablet and mobile operating systems. The 701/801 exam covers the essentials, while the 702/802 covers practical applications of computer repair.

Each test is 90 minutes and includes 90-100 questions, with a varying passing grade of 75-78%, depending on the test section and version. Because the test is computerized, you?ll find out your score on the same day. The test costs $183 per section, for a total of $366 for certification.

Why should you get certified?

IT certifications are a great option for librarians who have an interest in or currently deal with technology. If your career aspirations lean toward jobs with ?emerging technology?, ?systems?, ?UXD?, ?web?, or ?automation?, but most of your knowledge come from job experience or you are ?self taught?, certifications can be a great way to add credibility to your resume.

A+ is a great broad-spectrum certification to start with, and CompTIA?s other certifications all use it as a foundation. You could go straight to Cisco for networking or Microsoft for OS-specific certifications, but if you?re looking for something applicable across a variety of operating environments, A+ is a good choice.

Why should you think twice before being certified?

Think twice before going for A+ Certification if you?re not willing to keep up with the continuing education requirements. Every three years you will be required to pay a $75 recertification fee and log 20 continuing education credits. These can be earned in a variety of ways, including:

  • Achieve certification in another area offered by CompTIA (20 credits)
  • Participate in a CompTIA or other IT training program (1 credit each, maximum 16 in a 3 year period)
  • Complete college courses (10 credits per 3-4 credit hour course, 10 credits maximum in a 3 year period)
  • Teach (2 credits per preparation hour and 1 credit per instruction hour, 10 credits maxiumum in a 3 year period)
  • Present (2 credits per preparation hour and 1 credit per presentation hour, 10 credits maximum in a 3 year period)
  • Attend presentations, events, seminars, conferences, etc. (1 credit per hour, 4 credits maximum in a 3 year period)
  • Work experience (3 credits per year, 9 credits maximum in a 3 year period)
  • Publish articles or blog posts (4 credits per article, 1 credit per blog post, 8 credits maximum in a 3 year period)

This can be a lot to commit to, in terms of both?time and money, but if you are dedicated to making IT a focus in your career, chances are good that you will be doing at least some of these things anyway. (And $75 every three years over the course of a 30 year career is less than $1,000? how much did you pay for your MLIS, again?)

Certification Process

CompTIA certification exams take place at authorized testing centers across the country. Here are the steps you?ll need to take to register for your exam:

  1. Choose whether you will take the 700 or 800 series (remember, if you choose the?700 series?you must pass BOTH exams before August 31st)
  2. Decide how much study time you will need ? Mike Meyers, author of the All-in-One CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Guide, recommends anywhere from 60 hours for experienced technicians to 200 hours for ?newbies?
  3. Go to the PearsonVUE website and search for a testing center in your area
  4. Sign up for a PearsonVUE account to register for your exams; you?ll receive a confirmation email within a few hours
  5. Use the calendar on the PearsonVue website (the link will be emailed to you) to decide on dates and times
  6. Pay up ? remember to check with your employer, who may offer discounts on the exams
  7. Get studying! Don?t forget to take practice exams!


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Way beyond weight in Brazil: documentary on child obesity now free online

Brazilians consume an average of 112 pounds of sugar a year, and a?documentary on the growing problem of child obesity puts the issue into a global perspective.

By Rachel Glickhouse,?Guest blogger / March 29, 2013

? A version of this post ran on the author's blog, Riogringa. The views expressed are the author's own.

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Maria Farinha Filmes, the company behind 2012's "Way Beyond Weight" (Muito Al?m do Peso), released the movie on Vimeo recently, so it's available for worldwide viewing.

The film sheds light on Brazil's child obesity epidemic, ranging from this terrifying statistic about infant soda consumption to the fact that on average, Brazilian kids spend three hours per day in school and five hours per day watching TV. The movie also looks at the fact that obesity in general is a growing problem in Brazil. It points out, for example, that Brazilians consume an average of 112 pounds of sugar a year.

But perhaps what's most interesting about the movie is putting Brazil's obesity epidemic into a global perspective as a result of deepening globalization. While interviewing Brazilians across the country from all levels of the socioeconomic spectrum, the movie also includes foreign voices, including people from the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and Mexico, among others [See The Christian Science Monitor's focus on obesity in Latin America here.]. One Brazilian observer explains her perspective that a country is defined by the food it eats, and that it is not necessarily a good thing to be able to go anywhere in the world and eat the same exact thing. There's also an interesting point that applies to other large growing economies: parents sometimes send unhealthy processed food for children's school meals to show off a new ability to consume, and giving kids products they may not have had access to when they were young. [see original post for link to documentary in Portuguese.]

? Rachel Glickhouse is the author of the blog?

The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of Latin America bloggers. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by the Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own, as is responsibility for the content of their blogs. To contact us about a blogger, click here.


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What Amazon Really Paid For Goodreads - Business Insider

Bloomberg Businessweek just published a very strange article trying to guess how much Amazon paid for Goodreads, a social network where people share what books they're reading.

In essence, the writer, Kyle Stock, tried to find comparables in recent IPOs and private financings to arrive at a value per user for social websites, comparing Goodreads to Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram. He came up with a figure of $880 million, which he rounded up to $1 billion.

Three problems with that:

  • Amazon did not disclose a price for the acquisition. Had it been as high as $880 million, let alone $1 billion, the company would likely have had to disclose it as a material transaction. (Stock acknowledges the materiality issue in an aside, but that observation should have prompted him to rethink the entire premise of his story.)
  • Investors value different companies in different ways. Instagram, for example, was valued so highly by Facebook not because of its revenues?it had none?but because it threatened Facebook's core photo-sharing franchise. LinkedIn, by contrast, is valued highly by investors not primarily based on its number of users but how well it monetizes them through diversified revenue streams.Technology consultant Anil Dash tore Stock apart in a comment on the piece:"This valuation is preposterous, because the methodology is preposterous. There is zero evidence that either the markets or investors use some arbitrary 'multiply users by a dollar amount' calculation to determine a valuation for these companies. Using such a formula to arrive at an absurd number is especially egregious here because people will now use the authority of this publication to say 'Businessweek reports that Goodreads sold for a billion dollars,' though that's almost certainly not the case."
  • Lastly, AllThingsD's Kara Swisher actually talked to some sources and asked them how much Amazon paid for Goodreads, which raised almost $3 million from angel investors and True Ventures. They told her the real number was $150 million.


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

FGCU's NCAA run ends with 62-50 loss to Florida

Florida's Will Yeguete dunks against Florida Gulf Coast during the second half of a regional semifinal game in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

Florida's Will Yeguete dunks against Florida Gulf Coast during the second half of a regional semifinal game in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

From left, Florida Gulf Coast's Brett Comer, Sherwood Brown, Eddie Murray and Dajuan Graf react during the final minutes of a regional semifinal game against Florida in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Arlington, Texas (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

Florida Gulf Coast's Eric McKnight (12) reacts during the final minutes of a regional semifinal game against Florida in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

Florida's Mike Rosario (3) reacts after beating Florida Gulf Coast 62-50 after a regional semifinal game in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

Florida's Scottie Wilbekin (5) shoots as Florida Gulf Coast's Sherwood Brown (25) defends during the second half of a regional semifinal game in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

(AP) ? That high-flying act from "Dunk City" busted most everybody's NCAA tournament brackets and left an indelible mark on March.

Bet you know what FGCU is now.

Florida Gulf Coast, the No. 15 seed few people knew much about only a week ago, had its improbable run to the NCAA round of 16 ended by a 62-50 loss late Friday night ? actually only a few minutes before midnight. SEC regular-season champion Florida is headed to its third consecutive regional final.

"We definitely defied a lot of odds," said Sherwood Brown, the dreadlocked guard who is Gulf Coast's only senior starter. "Pretty much no one in the nation expected us to make it this far."

Early against Florida, the Eagles (26-11) seemed even looser than they had in their victories over No. 2 seed Georgetown and No. 7 seed San Diego State. And they had a big run that came early this time.

Chase Fieler had 3-pointers to start and cap an 11-0 run, raising his hands in the air after the second that put Gulf Coast ahead 15-4 and led to a timeout by Florida coach Billy Donovan less than 7 minutes into the game.

In between the 3s, Gulf Coast had some of the schoolyard-like plays that earned them that "Dunk City" moniker.

After Brett Comer stole a pass, he ran down the court and threw up an alley-oop pass for the trailing Brown, who delivered an emphatic slam that sent the announced crowd of more than 40,000 into a frenzy ? except for those in Gator orange.

Comer then flipped another backward pass to Bernard Thompson for a 3-pointer before Fieler's other 3.

"It was very exciting to get out to that big run, playing in the Sweet 16, playing the way we were playing early in the tournament against a great team in Florida," Fieler said.

That run was so similar to extended spurts they had in upsetting No. 2 seed Georgetown and No. 7 seed San Diego State.

But the Gators (29-7) still had plenty of time ? and know how to go on big runs of their own.

"I thought we did a great job of putting pressure and making those guys feel uncomfortable," said Mike Rosario, who led Florida with 15 points.

The Eagles had 12 turnovers in the first half ? one less than they had in each of their first two NCAA tourney games ? and finished with 20.

Michael Frazier made a pair of 3-pointers from in front of the FGCU bench, the only baskets he made, to start a 16-0 run late in the first half.

That put the Gators in the lead to stay.

"As bad as we started off, I'm happy for my team that we fought back. They're a second-half team. We did a good job of attacking them in the first 4 minutes of the second half," said Kenny Boynton, whose three-point play sparked a quick 7-0 Gators run right after halftime.

The Gators will play Michigan in the South Regional final on that raised court at Cowboys Stadium on Sunday. They are trying to get to their first NCAA Final Four since consecutive national championships in 2006 and 2007.

Michigan overcame a 14-point deficit and knocked off No. 1 seed Kansas 87-85 in overtime earlier Friday night.

Brown led FGCU with 14 points, while Fieler had 12. Scottie Wilbekin had 13 points for Florida and Casey Prather 11.

This is the last chance for seniors Boynton and Erik Murphy to win a title of their own. And there was a business-like feel in the winning Florida locker room after the game.

On the other side, things weren't all that bleak despite the disappointment of being done and matching a season low for points.

"It's sad we lost tonight, but it was a great ride," said post player Eddie Murray, the only other senior on the Gulf Coast roster. "It hurts right now but when you step back and look at it, it's all been amazing."

FGCU heads back to Fort Myers (aka Dunk City), where it has man-made lakes and a beach on campus, having given the tournament a blast of fresh air while its players were just having a blast. The South Florida state school also got about the best free publicity its administrators could ever hope for.

"It was great to see the excitement across the country with the underdog and it's just a real feeling when you're the underdog and you're the talk of the nation," coach Andy Enfield said. "Our plan wasn't to become some great national story. Our plan was to go in and compete and win games. It was unbelievable to see the excitement and passion of not only our local community, the students, but also the national level.

"Our players believed, and they accomplished something special."

Associated Press


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In conversation with Epic Games' Mark Rein: Unreal Engine 4 support for Oculus Rift (and everything else), and thoughts on next-gen

In conversation with Epic Games' Mark Rein Unreal Engine 4 support for Oculus Rift and everything else, and thoughts on nextgen

Epic Games isn't just offering up its ubiquitous current-gen game creation tool Unreal Engine 3 to Oculus Rift developers, but also its next-gen tool, Unreal Engine 4. Epic Games VP Mark Rein told Engadget as much during an interview at this year's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, repeatedly stating he's "super bullish" on the Rift, all the while rocking an Oculus pin on his exhibitor lanyard. "Oh, for sure," he said when we asked about UE4 support for the Rift. "We're working on that now." The Rift dev kit was demoed at CES 2013 running Unreal Engine 3's "Epic Citadel" demo, and Epic's offered support to the Oculus folks since early on, making the UE4 news not a huge surprise, but welcome nonetheless.

The next-gen game engine was being shown off at GDC 2013 with a flashy new demo (seen below the break), as well as a version of its "Elemental" demo running on a PlayStation 4 dev kit (shrouded behind a curtain, of course). Rein was visibly excited about that as well, unable to contain random vocal outbursts during the presentation. "It's a war out there, and we sell bullets and bandaids," he jokingly told us in an interview the following day. The quote comes from coworker and Epic VP of business development Jay Wilbur, and it's fitting -- Epic only makes a handful of games, and the company's real money comes from game engine licensees. In so many words, the more platforms that Unreal Engine variants can go, the better for Epic (as well as for engine licensees, of course). "It's a good place to be -- we try to support everything we can. We have to place some timed bets on things that we feel are gonna be the most important to licensees, and also to us where we're taking games. But because the engine is portable -- it's written in C++ -- a licensee can take and do whatever they want," he said.

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How To Put SEO To Work For Your Business | Content for Reprint

Author: Mishel Roserberg | Total views: 102 Comments: 0
Word Count: 850 Date:

With the right amount of knowledge, you will be able to efficiently increase web traffic through optimization of your website. Read on for more useful SEO tips.

Strive to design each page of your website in a way that makes it stand out from every other. Pay particular attention to the titles you use. These are extremely important for search engine optimization purposes. Including your keyword or phrase in the titles on your pages is important towards ranking highly on search engines.

If you have a site that is written in a non-english language, use the language meta tag. That's because search engines will rank you higher when people do a search for your content in that language.

Research any outside SEO company before signing over the work to them. Lots of SEO companies will charge too much for sub-standard work. Read online reviews and testimonials from previous companies to make sure that the company you're looking to hire is the real deal. Your wallet will thank you later.

Once you have discovered the right key phrases for your website, you should put that key phrase in your title. The first impression of your site is generated by the title, so choose it with care. This way, your site will be clicked because it most fits the search results the user typed in.

Ask yourself the question "how would somebody find my site if they were searching for it?" Then ensure that you have multiple uses of these keywords scattered through your site. Include your keywords in the titles of your pages and throughout your content, but don't overuse them. Stuffing your pages full of keywords will cause the search engines to lower your search ranking.

An important SEO tip is to keep an eye on your search rankings. It is crucial that you track your results to understand how your SEO is doing. One easy way to track your progress is by using the Google Analytics tool.

Retaining the visitors you get from search engines will not only increase your profits, but also your search engine rank. It is proven that spending more time working on a site increases the page rank. This trend has been established through metrics like Quantcast scores. When customers can chat, discuss, and interact with each other on your site, they are more likely to stay longer.

Keywords will help you improve the visibility of your sites. Coordinate your keywords with your article topics. This makes it easier for search engines to index your work. Therefore, it's easier for readers who may be trying to locate your articles. The keyword you want to focus on should appear several times in your article's text, as well as in its title and summary.

There are several options you can use to get inbound links to your website. Article writing, message forums, press releases, directory submissions and blogs can all provide your site with traffic. A great way to improve your SEO is to use good outbound links.

This will help increase your search engine rankings. The meta description appears right under the website link in many search engines, so use this text to grab a potential customer's attention. If you are using a popular CMS, you might be able to edit meta descriptions directly from the control panel.

The most important thing that you can do for your site is to make sure that you always keep the content on the site fresh and unique. People won't want to visit your website if you simply present the same old information indefinitely.

If you want to have successful SEO results, you need a site map. This will make it easier for spiders to crawl on your site. If your site is particularly large, you may need multiple maps. In general, try not to have more than 100 links on each map.

These descriptions will let your web site show up higher in search ratings. The meta description refers to the short description that appears in search results. Use important keywords and encourage your readers to take action and visit your site. Check to see if your content management software makes it easy for you to write a meta description on the same page you create your content on.

Meta tags should be as clear and descriptive as possible. Add a concise description to every meta tag on your site. This will increase click through rates.

Keyword density is vital when you optimize a web page for search engines. Focus on keeping each page's keyword content well under 20 percent.

You should now know that SEO is a very important part of internet marketing. By abiding by the advice in this article, you will be able to optimize your website. As long as your website is of high-quality, you will be more likely to receive a lot of traffic, which will lead to more profits.

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1: Understanding Online Business Success

Starting a home based business to earn income online takes a significant amount of time and energy upfront to get things going. Not seeing results immediately can be discouraging and cause people to give up too early. In this article, we look at the process of starting a home based business and working through the frustrations to be there when the sales come flowing in.

2: Why You Need To Build Multiple Streams of Income For Yourself

Being an entrepreneur and earning multiple streams of income is a dream that many have, but in reality it does take some initial hard work to achieve this. Earning multiple streams of income is the wave of the future, and here are some tips and advice for you when you are looking for ways in which to do this for yourself.

3: Article Marketing Strategy: Putting Together a "Class Schedule" For Your Article Topics

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4: What is Cyber Marketing And Why It Is So Important For The Success Of Your Website

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Researchers show stem cell fate depends on 'grip'

Friday, March 29, 2013

The field of regenerative medicine holds great promise, propelled by greater understanding of how stem cells differentiate themselves into many of the body's different cell types. But clinical applications in the field have been slow to materialize, partially owing to difficulties in replicating the conditions these cells naturally experience.

A team of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania has generated new insight on how a stem cell's environment influences what type of cell a stem cell will become. They have shown that whether human mesenchymal stem cells turn into fat or bone cells depends partially on how well they can "grip" the material they are growing in.

The research was conducted by graduate student Sudhir Khetan and associate professor Jason Burdick, along with professor Christopher Chen, all of the School of Engineering and Applied Science's Department of Bioengineering. Others involved in the study include Murat Guvendiren, Wesley Legant and Daniel Cohen.

Their study was published in the journal Nature Materials.

Much research has been done on how stem cells grow on two-dimensional substrates, but comparatively little work has been done in three dimensions. Three-dimensional environments, or matrices, for stems cells have mostly been treated as simple scaffolding, rather than as a signal that influences the cells' development.

Burdick and his colleagues were interested in how these three-dimensional matrices impact mechanotransduction, which is how the cell takes information about its physical environment and translates that to chemical signaling.

"We're trying to understand how material signals can dictate stem cell response," Burdick said. "Rather than considering the material as an inert structure, it's really guiding stem cell fate and differentiation ? what kind of cells they will turn into."

The mesenchymal stem cells the researchers studied are found in bone marrow and can develop into several cell types: osteoblasts, which are found in bone; chondrocytes, which are found in cartilage; and adipocytes, which are found in fat.

The researchers cultured them in water-swollen polymer networks known as hydrogels, which share some similarities with the environments stem cells naturally grow in. These materials are generally soft and flexible ? contact lenses, for example, are a type of hydrogel ? but can vary in density and stiffness depending on the type and quantity of the bonds between the polymers. In this case, the researchers used covalently cross-linked gels, which contain irreversible chemical bonds.

When seeded on top of two-dimensional covalently cross-linked gels, mesenchymal stem cells spread and pulled on the material differently depending on how stiff it was. Critically, the mechanics guide cell fate, or the type of cells they differentiate it into. A softer environment would produce more fat-like cells and a stiffer environment, where the cells can pull on the gel harder, would produce more bone-like cells.

However, when the researchers put mesenchymal stem cells inside three-dimensional hydrogels of varying stiffness, they didn't see these kinds of changes.

"In most covalently cross-linked gels, the cells can't spread into the matrix because they can't degrade the bonds ? they all become fat cells," Burdick said. "That tells us that in 3D covalent gels the cells don't translate the mechanical information the same way they do in a 2D system."

To test this, the researchers changed the chemistry of their hydrogels so that the polymer chains were connected by a peptide that the cells could naturally degrade. They hypothesized that, as the cells spread, they would be able to get a better grip on their surrounding environment and thus be more likely to turn into bone-like cells.

In order to determine how well the cells were pulling on their environment, the researchers used a technique developed by Chen's lab called 3D traction force microscopy. This technique involves seeding the gel with microscopic beads, then tracking their location before and after a cell is removed.

"Because the gel is elastic and will relax back into its original position when you remove the cells," Chen said, "you can quantify how much the cells are pulling on the gel based on how much and which way it springs back after the cell is removed."

The results showed that the stem cells' differentiation into bone-like cells was aided by their ability to better anchor themselves into the growth environment.

"With our original experiment, we observed that the cells essentially didn't pull on the gel. They adhered to it and were viable, but we did not see bead displacement. They couldn't get a grip," Burdick said. "When we put the cells into a gel where they could degrade the bonds, we saw them spread into the matrix and deform it, displacing the beads."

As an additional test, the researchers synthesized another hydrogel. This one had the same covalent bonds that the stem cells could naturally degrade and spread through but also another type of bond that could form when exposed to light. They let the stem cells spread as before, but at the point the cells would begin to differentiate ? about a week after they were first encapsulated ? the researchers further "set" the gel by exposing it to light, forming new bonds the cells couldn't degrade.

"When we introduced these cross-links so they could no longer degrade the matrix, we saw an increase toward fat-like cells, even after letting them spread," Burdick said. "This further supports the idea that continuous degradation is needed for the cells to sense the material properties of their environment and transduce that into differentiation signals."

Burdick and his colleagues see these results as helping develop a better fundamental understanding of how to engineer tissues using stem cells.

"This is a model system for showing how the microenvironment can influence the fate of the cells," Burdick said.


University of Pennsylvania:

Thanks to University of Pennsylvania for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

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Pest Control Tricks For Ridding Your Home Of - Professur ...

Do you have annoying pests in and around your home? Are you being driven crazy by these critters? Pests can be really problematic to your life as a whole. Some pests pose serious health risks. Continue reading to find out how to address your pest issues.

If you?re having a major pest problem, try switching out all of your small appliances. Ask your loved ones for extra toasters and coffee pots, and dispose of the ones in your house. Some bugs will settle in every crack and hole they can find, including the inside of appliances.

Nobody likes the idea that there are microscopic bugs in their bedding and other areas of their environment. Many have dust-mite allergies, but even if you are not allergic, it is always a great idea to keep them under control. Make sure to wash your bedding in very hot water every week and utilize pillow cases that are non-permeable.

Solutions to pest and bug problems are just around the corner. Go to a local store that specializes in home improvement and see if the professionals can help you eliminate pests. They are trained to know which remedies work effectively for all the different types of pests.

Start from where the starting line is. You have to cut off the pests food source to stop them from coming into your home. Pests may be drawn to your house because water, food and shelter can be found there. Leaks, entry points, and food scraps need to all be eliminated.

Outdoor lighting is awesome for keeping away strangers, but it?s not so great at keeping away pests. Choose bulbs in colors of pink, orange or yellow if you want pests to be less attracted.

If you are hiring a pest-control company, always check with the BBB to make sure they have no complaints filed against them. Also make sure they have the proper licenses to spray pesticides. They must be insured and bonded, as well. This documentation must meet your eyes before letting them step food in your home.

Make sure the exterior of your house is clean. Keep your grass trimmed and sweep your drive, walkways and porches. Cleanliness is a powerful weapon against pest infestation.

If a professional has installed stations for baiting mice, learn where they?re placed. You must keep your pets away from these baited traps. If your pet or child was to accidentally ingest some of the poison, it could kill them.

Reduce the amount of clutter that you have in your home or basement to eliminate bugs. There are many areas in the home that are clutter magnets, like bookshelves counters, and tables. Invest some time in reducing the clutter in your home to eliminate places where rodents and bugs like to nest.

Don?t try to deal with a bee infestation yourself. Hire a professional for this task. It can be difficult to know whether your bee problem is due to Africanized bees; it can be the difference between life and death and important to know for sure.

After reading this article, you should know that pests are a problem that every homeowner must face eventually. To make sure you don?t have pests, apply the tips in this article to your life. Do not procrastinate. Put these tips to use today, and permanently get rid of pests. internet building and pest inspection sunshine coast


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Laura Prudom: 'Supernatural' Season 8, Episode 18 Recap: Victor's School For Teenage Hunters In 'Freaks And Geeks'

supernatural freaks and geeks recap

Note: Do not read on if you have not seen Season 8, Episode 18 of The CW's "Supernatural," titled "Freaks and Geeks."

Since not every "Supernatural" episode can be centered around the season's chosen mythology, it would be nice if every self-contained episode could be like "Freaks and Geeks," which paid homage to the series' history and demonstrated a firm grasp of continuity while still providing fans with the satisfying character beats we tune in for every week.

Adam Glass' snappy script, beautifully directed by John Showalter, brought back Krissy Chambers (a delightfully sassy Madison McLaughlin) and utilized plenty of vampire lore from previous seasons, including a cure for the condition and the always-handy Dead Man's Blood.

And, like many of the show's stronger episodes, the story grappled with themes of revenge versus justice, what truly makes a monster monstrous, and whether there's any possibility for a hunter to have a "normal" life -- something Sam continues to struggle with this season.

The episode's conceit was simple enough: A hunter called Victor had established a kind of hunting school for wayward orphans whose families were murdered by supernatural creatures, both to recapture the lively atmosphere he lost when his own family was murdered and, allegedly, to prepare the kids to be the next generation of monster killers, smarter and faster than those who came before them. Krissy might have insisted that they weren't like the X-Men, but the concept was certainly similar.

Sadly, Victor was so desperate to replace his own murdered kin that he used a pet vampire to kill the teens' families to set them on a path of revenge -- kind of wasteful, when you consider how many kids have legitimately been orphaned or affected by things that go bump in the night over the course of the show so far. If Victor's methods had been truly altruistic, he could've done a lot of good in a world constantly on the verge of an apocalypse.

It would be fascinating to revisit some of the characters we saw back in the first couple of seasons -- kids like "Something Wicked's" Michael and "Dead in the Water's" Lucas who would now be in their mid/late-teens and might've had their whole perspectives rocked by their encounters with the Winchesters, but "Freaks and Geeks" was a solid investigation into one logical way a child might react to that kind of loss. I hope we see Krissy, Aidan and Josephine again to find out just how good the "next generation" of hunters might be.

t was heartening to see Dean making the distinction that "hunting isn't always about killing" and that good and evil isn't always black and white, reaffirming what he learned in Purgatory through his friendship with Benny and preventing Krissy and her friends from starting down a bloodthirsty path.

I've always had a soft spot for episodes that utilize Dean's rapport with kids, and Krissy has been a particularly engaging foil for him in both her episodes, constantly insulting him like the bratty sister he never had. Watching him eschew giving Aidan the overprotective father talk on Krissy's behalf was a wonderful moment (since she really would kick Aidan's ass all by herself), but watching the tough teen forgo a fist-bump for a chaste kiss on the cheek in thanks was even more touching, especially since Dean is a character who seemingly craves human connection and familial bonds but has always struggled with how to maintain them.

Dean's insistence that Krissy resist killing Victor was completely justified, but I can't help but wonder whether he and Sam would've taken Victor out if he hadn't shot himself first, since he arguably could've started doing the exact same thing with another group of kids if left to his own devices. Though the Winchesters have always been reluctant to kill humans, history has certainly proven that some of the show's mortal villains have been every bit as twisted as the supernatural ones, and I would hate to think they'd simply let someone as selfish and twisted as Victor walk free.

The episode's greatest strength was undoubtedly its examination of Sam and Dean, reaffirming Sam's desire for a safe, apple pie life and raising the question of whether either Winchester actually wants children, let alone feels like they could provide a safe life for them.

Dean still believes that the only way to ensure anyone will grow up safe and avoid the life the Winchesters have led is to close the gates of Hell, while Sam seemed to gravitate towards the concept of maintaining a sense of normalcy even while hunting, which is understandable, if potentially misguided.

The show's history has shown us that staying in one place makes our hunters a target, illustrated by the fates of The Roadhouse and Bobby's home, but with the right warding and an obscure location -- like Rufus' cabin -- would it really be impossible to create a home between hunts? Judging by Dean's excitement over the bathrobes and proper beds in the Men of Letters bunker, a safe haven is obviously something that appeals to both brothers (and why shouldn't it?).

It would be wonderful to think that Sam and Dean could someday take the lessons of their encounter with Victor and the teens and create their own place of sanctuary for people who have lost everything but still want to protect others from suffering the same loss. Both Sam and Dean (whether he'd admit it or not) have the kind of altruistic nature and desire to protect others that would make them ideal teachers (or father-figures) for wayward souls like Krissy. After all, what was Team Free Will if not a makeshift family? Their relationships with Castiel, Bobby, Garth and even more peripheral characters like Charlie prove that the Winchesters can't help but pull people into their orbit, even when it would be safer to push them away. Ultimately, family is at the heart of this show, and it would be nice to think that the Winchesters will be able to achieve some semblance of one by the time the final credits roll.

Watch a sneak peek from next week's episode below:

"Supernatural" airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

Do you think a hunter could ever balance a "normal" life with the demands of the job? Would Sam and Dean have let Victor go? Share your thoughts and reactions in the comments!

  • Episode 818: "Freaks and Geeks"

  • Episode 818: "Freaks and Geeks"

  • Episode 818: "Freaks and Geeks"

    Pictured (L-R): Adam Dimarco as Aiden, Megan Danso as Josephine, Madison McLaughlin as Krissy, and Jensen Ackles as Dean.

  • Episode 818: "Freaks and Geeks"

  • Episode 818: "Freaks and Geeks"

  • Episode 818: "Freaks and Geeks"

  • Episode 818: "Freaks and Geeks"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 817: "Goodbye Stranger"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 816: "Remember The Titans"

  • Episode 815: "Man's Best Friend With Benefits"

  • Episode 815: "Man's Best Friend With Benefits"

  • Episode 815: "Man's Best Friend With Benefits"

  • Episode 815: "Man's Best Friend With Benefits"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"

  • Episode 814: "Everybody Hates Hitler"


Follow Laura Prudom on Twitter:

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Scientists examine nothing, find something

Two studies of vacuums suggest that the speed of light in a vacuum might fluctuate, pointing the way to a quantum mechanical explanation for why the speed of light and other so-called constants are what they are.

By Eoin O'Carroll,?Staff / March 25, 2013

A young person attempts to navigate a laser maze during the grand opening ceremony for the Angry Birds Space Encounter at the Kennedy Space Center earlier this month. Researchers say that the speed of light in a vacuum, long thought to be a universal constant, may actually fluctuate.

Malcolm Denemark/Florida Today/AP


Where did the speed of light in a vacuum come from? Why is it 299,792,458 meters per second and not some other figure?

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The simple answer is that, since 1983, science has defined a meter by the speed of light: one meter equals the distance light travels in one?299,792,458th of a second.?But that doesn't really answer our question. It's just the physics equivalent of saying, "Because I said so."?

Unfortunately, the deeper answer has been equally unsatisfying: The speed of light in a vacuum, according to physics textbooks, just is. It's a constant, one of those numbers that defines the universe. That's the physics equivalent of saying, "Because the cosmos said so."?

Or did it? A pair of studies suggest that this universal constant?might not be so constant after all. In the first study, Marcel Urban from the University of Paris-Sud and his team found that the speed of light in a vacuum varies ever so slightly.

This happens because what we think of as nothing isn't really nothing. Even if you were to create a perfect vacuum, at the quantum level it would still be populated with pairs of tiny "virtual" particles that flash in and out of existence and whose energy values fluctuate. As a consequence of these fluctuations, the speed of a photon passing through a vacuum varies, about?50 quintillionths of a second per square meter.

That may not sound like much, but it's enough to point the way toward a new underlying physics.

Before 1905, when?Albert Einstein formulated his special theory of relativity, scientists regarded space and time as composing the backdrop of the universe, the immovable stage upon which motion takes place. The only problem with this model is that light seems to move at the same speed regardless of the speed of the source, creating an apparent paradox. Einstein's theory resolved this paradox by replacing Newton's absolutes of time and space with a single absolute, the speed of light.

But if even that can vary, what's left for us to hang our hat on? Nothing, it turns out.

But, as we just noted, nothing is something. Urban's paper suggests that the speed of light and other constants "are not fundamental constants but observable parameters of the quantum vacuum." In other words, the speed of light emerges from the properties of particles in the vacuum.

In the other paper, physicists?Gerd Leuchs and Luis L. S?nchez-Soto, from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Light in Erlangen, Germany, hypothesize how this emergence occurs. They suggest that the impedance of a vacuum ? another electromagnetic 'constant' whose value depends on the speed of light ? itself depends only on the electric charge of the particles in the vacuum, and not their masses.

If their hypothesis is correct, it answers our question of where the speed of light comes from: It emerges from the total number of charged particles in the universe.?

Time will tell if this hypothesis is correct. And of course, by "time," we mean "space and time," by which we mean "the speed of light," by which we mean "nothing," by which we mean "the properties of the quantum vacuum." But in the meantime ? or whatever ? you can thank us for informing you that, as the speed of light in a vacuum continues to fluctuate, so too does the length of the meter. Think nothing of it.?


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Microsoft's WorldWide Telescope Maps The Universe With NASA's Data

Jonathan Fay and WWTThe Microsoft Research team is building an epic map of the universe using data and photographs collected from the many telescopes around the world, including NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. They call it The WorldWide Telescope.


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Interserve bridges the gap between sustainability and finance ...

Ask sustainability executives, on condition of anonymity, what the biggest obstacle to green progress is in their business and you almost invariably get the same answer: the finance director. It is a trend that risks putting Interserve Group's Tim Haywood in a somewhat difficult position, given he is both group finance director and head of sustainability at the construction and property services firm.

However, for Haywood, who last week officially launched an ambitious new strategy that promises to halve greenhouse gas emissions across the 50,000-strong global company, the perceived conflict between the two disciplines is entirely avoidable -- in fact, it has left him more than a little frustrated.

"I must admit I am a bit fed up with the way the finance director is seen as the person who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing, just as I am fed up with the perception the sustainability executive is the reverse, knowing the value of everything and the cost of nothing," he says, reflecting on 18 months serving as both finance and sustainability director. "That is nonsense -- sustainability has a very strong business case."

The challenge, as Haywood acknowledges, is making that business case explicit, and it is this necessity that has informed the innovative management framework that underpins the company's new sustainability strategy. "The first thing I wanted to do was bring some financial director measurement to the sustainability sphere, so we have developed this concept of looking at four 'capitals,'" he explains. "Financial capital, natural capital, social capital and knowledge capital."

Measuring the performance of the first "capital" is easy since tracking the financial metrics of a project or department is something every business does, but the three new "capitals" present more of a challenge. Interserve is working with the Robertsbridge Group's Tony Juniper, who also authored the recent book, "What Has Nature Ever Done for Us," to develop a means of accounting for the environmental impacts the company has. It is an approach that Haywood admits is likely to draw on the pioneering work undertaken by sportswear company Puma, which last year published the world's first Environmental Profit and Loss sheet that committed to putting a financial value on the company's impact on the natural world. However, the plan to develop two new metrics for the company's social capital and knowledge capital will require an entirely new approach for measuring the largely intangible value of the company's interaction with the communities it is part of and the training and talent development it offers staff and stakeholders.

Next page: Measuring the four capitals


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Actress Ashley Judd won't run for US Senate

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) ? Actress Ashley Judd announced Wednesday she won't run for U.S. Senate in Kentucky against Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, saying she had given serious thought to a campaign but decided her responsibilities and energy need to be focused on her family.

The former Kentucky resident tweeted her decision.

"Regretfully, I am currently unable to consider a campaign for the Senate. I have spoken to so many Kentuckians over these last few months who expressed their desire for a fighter for the people & new leader," Judd wrote.

"While that won't be me at this time, I will continue to work as hard as I can to ensure the needs of Kentucky families are met by returning this Senate seat to whom it rightfully belongs: the people & their needs, dreams, and great potential. Thanks for even considering me as that person & know how much I love our Commonwealth. Thank you!"

Her publicist Cara Tripicchio confirmed Judd's decision.

The 44-year-old Judd had hinted last week that she was nearing a decision about the race.

Now living in suburban Nashville, Tenn., Judd has said little publicly about her intentions. However, she has been meeting with several Democratic leaders, including Gov. Steve Beshear, to discuss a possible run.

Defeating McConnell would be the Democrats' biggest prize of the 2014 election. His seat is one of 14 that Republicans are defending while Democrats try to hold onto 21, hoping to retain or add to their 55-45 edge.

The star of such films as "Double Jeopardy" and "Kiss the Girls" is known for her liberal political views and she would have been running in a largely conservative state where Republicans hold both Senate seats and five of the six seats in the U.S. House.

Former State Treasurer Jonathan Miller, a Judd supporter, said she would have been a strong candidate.

"As a Kentuckian and someone who was really enthusiastic about her as a candidate, this wasn't the news I was hoping for," Miller said. "But as her friend, from the first time we talked about the race last summer, I was very candid about the grueling nature of politics. It's become a very unpleasant business and running against Mitch McConnell would be an extraordinarily difficult and grueling experience."

McConnell, who spent some $20 million on his last election and who has already raised $10 million for the next one, had already been taunting would-be Democratic challengers in a comical online video intended to raise second thoughts about taking on a politician known as brawler. The video plays on the fact that Judd lives in Tennessee.

Republican-leaning group American Crossroads in its own online video also plays on the Tennessee angle and ties her closely to President Barack Obama, who is unpopular in Kentucky.

University of Louisville political scientist Laurie Rhodebeck said Judd certainly wasn't frightened out of the race.

"She doesn't strike me as a shrinking violet," Rhodebeck said. "I think the real issue would be how much disruption she wanted in her life. This was the kind of thing that she would have to throw herself into 100 percent in order to make it worthwhile."

Judd and three-time Indianapolis 500 winner Dario Franchitti separated early this year after marrying in his native Scotland in 2001.

Judd's decision not to enter the race leaves the Democratic Party in search of a candidate. Many of Kentucky's top Democrats, including Beshear, have said they won't run. However, a rising star within the party, Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, hasn't ruled the race out. Grimes declined comment Wednesday evening through her spokeswoman, Lynn Sowards Zellen.


Associated Press writer Janet Cappiello contributed to this report.


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Last week, during his Ryan Seacrest-hosted special on The CW, Justin Timberlake said that music is the "most special" hat of the many hats he wears as an entertainer. Now, we can't psychoanalyze JT?as much as everyone may have wanted to during his year-long courtship of the world's attention. But, to be sure, music has given this man a lot: Timberlake's pop-star status has allowed him to pursue the very side projects that have transformed into his main career focus, as modern mega-celebrities are want to do with their "brand maintenance" these days. ...


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New DNA test identifies ingredients in foods

New DNA test identifies ingredients in foods [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Mar-2013
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Contact: Thomas Hankeln
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz

Scientists at Mainz University develop a novel screening procedure for accurately determining the amount of animal, plant, and microbial substances in foods

Almost all foodstuffs contain the genetic material of those animal and plant species that were used in their preparation. Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Genetic Security Research and Consulting at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have developed a novel screening procedure that provides for highly sensitive, quantifiable analysis of animal, plant, and microbial substances present in foodstuffs. For this, the researchers have adapted the latest techniques of DNA sequencing, which are otherwise currently employed in human genetics to unravel the genetic information of thousands of patients.

"The innovative aspect in comparison with conventional DNA detection methods such as polymerase chain reaction, or PCR for short, is that by means of bioinformatic analysis of all biological DNA data available worldwide we can identify the presence of material from species that we would not otherwise expect. And, using a simple digital method of counting short snippets of DNA, we will also probably be able to determine the relative incidence of individual species-related material more precisely than was previously the case," explained molecular geneticist Professor Dr. Thomas Hankeln, who developed the method in collaboration with bioinformaticist Professor Bertil Schmidt, Ph.D. and colleagues at the German and Swiss food control authorities.

In pilot studies, the researchers were able to use the new DNA method to detect the presence of a 1% content of horse meat in products and to determine the actual amount with a high level of precision. The Mainz researchers even found slight traces of the DNA of added mustard, lupin, and soy in a test sausage prepared for calibration purposes, something that could also be of interest with regard to allergy testing of foods.

Because of its potential, the method dubbed 'All-Food-Seq' by its developers has already attracted the attention of food inspection experts. "This method is very interesting in connection with efforts to promote the molecular traceability of food," said Hermann Broll of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Berlin and Dr. Ren Kppel of the Zurich Cantonal Laboratory in Switzerland. The method developed by the Mainz scientists is thus to be validated in comparison with conventional detection techniques in the near future.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New DNA test identifies ingredients in foods [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Mar-2013
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Contact: Thomas Hankeln
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz

Scientists at Mainz University develop a novel screening procedure for accurately determining the amount of animal, plant, and microbial substances in foods

Almost all foodstuffs contain the genetic material of those animal and plant species that were used in their preparation. Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Genetic Security Research and Consulting at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have developed a novel screening procedure that provides for highly sensitive, quantifiable analysis of animal, plant, and microbial substances present in foodstuffs. For this, the researchers have adapted the latest techniques of DNA sequencing, which are otherwise currently employed in human genetics to unravel the genetic information of thousands of patients.

"The innovative aspect in comparison with conventional DNA detection methods such as polymerase chain reaction, or PCR for short, is that by means of bioinformatic analysis of all biological DNA data available worldwide we can identify the presence of material from species that we would not otherwise expect. And, using a simple digital method of counting short snippets of DNA, we will also probably be able to determine the relative incidence of individual species-related material more precisely than was previously the case," explained molecular geneticist Professor Dr. Thomas Hankeln, who developed the method in collaboration with bioinformaticist Professor Bertil Schmidt, Ph.D. and colleagues at the German and Swiss food control authorities.

In pilot studies, the researchers were able to use the new DNA method to detect the presence of a 1% content of horse meat in products and to determine the actual amount with a high level of precision. The Mainz researchers even found slight traces of the DNA of added mustard, lupin, and soy in a test sausage prepared for calibration purposes, something that could also be of interest with regard to allergy testing of foods.

Because of its potential, the method dubbed 'All-Food-Seq' by its developers has already attracted the attention of food inspection experts. "This method is very interesting in connection with efforts to promote the molecular traceability of food," said Hermann Broll of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Berlin and Dr. Ren Kppel of the Zurich Cantonal Laboratory in Switzerland. The method developed by the Mainz scientists is thus to be validated in comparison with conventional detection techniques in the near future.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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'Fargo' TV Series Gets 10 Episodes On FX

FX's "Fargo" TV series is now a reality. The network announced during its 2013 Upfront that it has ordered a 10-episode limited series based on the Coen brothers movie. Joel and Ethan Coen are already on board with the project and will be executive producing it. "The Unusuals'" Noah Hawley is writing the series, while [...]


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Supreme Court Arguments Leave Anti-Gay Movement Humiliated: Salon


It didn?t take long for the empty truth about the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act to be exposed Wednesday, and there was little equality opponents could do. At the Supreme Court hearing, Elena Kagan, the newest justice, went to the House Report from Congress when it passed the law in 1996, and summarized DOMA?s entire legal underpinning: ?Congress decided to reflect and honor a collective moral judgment and to express moral disapproval of homosexuality.?

Read the whole story at Salon

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

As Arms Trade Treaty nears vote at UN, critics in US see a 'gun grab'

UN is set to vote Thursday on a proposed Arms Trade Treaty to regulate global imports and exports of conventional weapons. Backers see a way to prevent human rights abuses. Critics see red flags, including curtailed access for Americans to imported guns.

By Howard LaFranchi,?Staff writer / March 26, 2013

An attendee holds a handgun at the 7th annual Border Security Expo in Phoenix, Arizona, March 12. The Arms Trade Treaty, which is set to come to a vote among UN member countries Thursday, would cover trade in conventional weapons ranging from handguns to weapons of war such as missiles and tanks.

Joshua Lott/Reuters/File


Right as Washington is preoccupied with a series of gun-control measures, the United Nations is nearing approval of an Arms Trade Treaty that opponents in America's?gun-rights community say constitutes a back-door gun grab that will trample Second Amendment rights.

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Supporters of the treaty, which is set to come to a vote among UN member countries Thursday, decry such arguments as fear-mongering and nonsense. Rather, they say, the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is a long-overdue regulation of the global arms import and export trade that will help curtail the flow of weapons into conflict zones and the hands of human rights violators.

The treaty would cover trade in conventional weapons ranging from handguns to weapons of war such as missiles and tanks. It would direct countries exporting or importing arms to assess the risk that such weapons would end up being used to commit terrorist attacks or to engage in human rights abuses including torture and genocide.?

?We have agreements on the standards for trade in everything else that crosses borders, from T-shirts and iron ore to cars and wheat,? says Daniel Prins, secretary general of the ATT conference now under way in New York and chief of the conventional arms branch of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs. ?The arms trade has been an exception to that, but the ATT would provide a global set of standards for sending arms to another country.?

That ?set of standards? has nothing to do with setting firearms quality or regulating models and calibers. ?This is not a treaty about banning a particular category of weapons,? Mr. Prins notes. Instead, the ATT would establish a ?set of standards? for the import and export of arms, with an eye to reducing the flow of arms into conflict zones or into countries where the arms are likely to be used by organized crime or in a way that violates human rights.

For example, the ATT aims to curtail the ?shopping around? that often occurs when regimes in conflict with some of their own citizens or nonstate groups are denied coveted weapons by one arms-trading country.

In that sense the ATT is more of a human rights treaty than it is a trade agreement. And that aspect is what gives the ATT its most emphatic advocates ?and some of its toughest critics.

?For major exporters, every arms sale is already a balancing act, and what we?re trying to do [with the ATT] is raise the profile of human rights in that balancing act,? says Natalie Goldring, a senior fellow at Georgetown University?s Center for Security Studies who is working with the Control Arms coalition of more than 100 international groups to push for a strong ATT agreement.

Organizations from Oxfam to Amnesty International are pressing for a treaty they say would enhance human rights around the world by reducing arms trafficking and the diversion of legitimately acquired weaponry into illicit hands. ?Any step toward restraining the illicit sale and transfer of weapons used to commit crimes is a good move forward, and the world could use a lot more steps in the direction of ending human rights abuses,? said Amnesty USA?s chief of campaigns and programs, Michelle Ringuette, recently.

This week, advocates warned that negotiations have led to a watered-down treaty text, and they are demanding a return to stronger standards before the ATT is put to a consensus vote Thursday. Most observers expect a treaty will adopted.

But others say a treaty that aims to curtail the arms trade by using a set of UN-established standards should actually give advocates of universal rights pause.

?This [ATT] is a human rights instrument; it?s being promoted for human rights reasons,? says Theodor Bromund, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. ?But if you look at how human rights are already dealt with in the UN system, it?s not very encouraging.? Bodies such as the Human Rights Council tend to focus their attention on ?violators? like Israel or the US, he says, while members of what he calls the ?club of dictators? see their violations overlooked and are even sometimes rewarded with seats on human rights bodies.


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