Thursday, December 13, 2012

More Than Coffee

When it comes to church, it seems coffee is everywhere. ?Because of its?significant?visibility, people often use it as a way (or sometimes the way) of enacting change for the good. ?Thankfully, as a result of conversations about what should be offered, many congregations have chosen to transition to fair trade coffee served in more environmentally friendly cups.?Thomas Turner, program manager at International Justice Mission, recently blogged about the importance of these changes being a starting point rather than an end unto themselves. ?He writes:

?. . . fair trade coffee is not enough. The church needs an ethic that governs the way food is procured and joyfully consumed within the church.

So What?

Just as is true for individuals, so also for congregations: actions often speak more loudly than words. ?How well is your congregation handling coffee? ?The larger issue of all food and drink served on the church campus and off campus for church sponsored events?



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