Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Brand New Face (But Actually Just Text)

Well, I'm OrphicTrumpeter but I go by Orpheus. Or Orfea. But that last one is only because I'm actually a girl. I don't actually play the trumpet... but OrphicTrombonist isn't nearly as cool. Also, I love Israfel and he plays the trumpet.

Why did I come here... Mostly because I wanted to roleplay. I also wanted to come somewhere where every roleplay doesn't dissolve into romance. I only used forums to roleplay before this, maybe once or twice before I gave up, and I recall a good deal of the serious "world ending crisis" roleplays suddenly becoming two or three people just having romantic affairs while the world crashed down around them. I mean, I understood why it delved into that. I can see the beauty of love as the sky opens up and burns the very air we breathe with fiery rain and noxious gases... doesn't everyone? I tried different roleplays but most of them ended up the same... I guess it might've just been the websites? Anyway, after a few roleplays going from "crisis of massive proportions" to "crisis in my pants" I figured I'd give up on roleplay. But then I came here, because I apparently don't know what giving up is.

I live in the smallest town in the middle of nowhere, which is great for getting people lost but not so great for having tabletop campaigns. So I have to say my roleplaying know-how is probably just a wee bit shaky. Maybe a slight bit more than wee. The fun is in learning, right? Despite my tabletop gaming level being in the negative numbers, my video gaming level is through the roof. With the exception of WoW (because I don't have the time/money to play WoW), I've played tons of online RPGs. After a while I realized that I don't really like MMORPGs because I don't like being killed by other player characters for no reason and then losing exp/items/precious time for it, so I played a lot of RPGs on consoles and whatnot. I'd get into it, but I want to keep this post less than twenty years long. Tabletop and video game RPGs are not the same, but I have a little experience with how roleplays work!

I also write a ton... which is the aspect of roleplaying that I actually wanted to get into way back in yesteryear when I realized my entire hometown was more preoccupied with Pokemon (which was fantastic). So hopefully while I'm here I'll get to work on my writing! That'll be fun.

I think that's everything. If you're still awake, high five and maybe I'll see you around.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/xQZbHsCwhAQ/viewtopic.php

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