Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Early Apple Computer Design Concepts

It really isn't fair to say "a little ahead of the design curve" unless you are not being totally honest.

Apple has been a trendsetter in many areas over the years. The only reason they seem to be "a little ahead of the design curve" is because every time they release a product that is revolutionary, every other company starts up their copiers.

Take for example, the original iMac. Shortly after it's release there were a whole slew of all-in-one machines copy cat machines. Then there were the computers, device, printers, and accessories with customizable colored plastic panels. Even the HP PC I used at work had iMac-esque replaceable color panels on it's case.

I could go on with other examples, like the iPhone.

Source: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1736942&goto=newpost

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