Sunday, January 20, 2013

Self-Generated Health Information ? The Future of Caring for your ...

Patient Generated Health Data which we have renamed, and generalized as Self-Generated Health Information (SGHI) includes, according to Shapiro, Johnston, Wald and Mon (1) includes:

??health history, symptoms, biometric data, treatment history, lifestyle choices, and other information ? created, recorded, gathered, or inferred by or from [individuals] or their designees (care partners or those who assist them) to help address a health concern.?

Products producing SGHI may have been in the hottest market space at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this month devices (2). ?Fifteen of these devices created excitement at CES this year. ?Partners Healthcare also launched a program they call Wellocracy, which promotes the use of devices creating SGHI to motivate individuals to set and obtain health goals (3). ?Joseph Kvedar who leads these efforts for Partners says his research has shown that these devices can be used to keep people out of the emergency room.

This demonstrates the reason for all the SGHI device activity. ?Reducing emergency room admissions is a major objective for healthcare organizations that are trying to respond to the new payment initiatives defined by the Acountable Care Act: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). ?As a result, the driver of care cost reduction is moving away from health insurance companies like Aviva and the various affiliates of BlueCross BlueShield, and towards the care provider in a healthcare organization who will be increasingly encouraged to find ways to keep their patients out of their offices.

While the general expectation is that individuals, as they age are increasingly concerned about their health. ?We can watch as the 1.9 trillion size of wellness markets that include markets like beauty and anti-aging, fitness and mind-body exercise, healthy eating/nutrition and weight loss, preventive/personalized health (in which these SGHI devices would be counted), complementary and alternative medicine, wellness tourism, spa, medical tourism, and workplace wellness have been increasing steadily in lock step with this phenomenon as the Baby Boom generation is aging well into their sixties and seventies (4, 5). ?The Accountable Care Act (ACA) of 2009 further reinforces these trends as the traditional healthcare systems have failed to control costs and are further burdened by a rapidly aging population.

(1) Michael Shapiro, Douglas Johnston, Jonathan Wald, and Donald Mon. ?Patient-Generated Health Data White Paper, prepared for the Office of Policy and Planning, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, April 2012, pp. 6.

(2) Jonah Constock. ?Slideshow: Health devices that launched at CES 2013,, Posted January 10, 2013, Last Viewed January 19, 2013.

(3) Bernie Monegain. ?Wellocracy launches at CES, mHIMSS, Posted January 9, 2013, Last Viewed January 19, 2013.

(4) Estimated gobal market size of the wellness industry clusster in 2010. ?SRI International. Posted by Statista 2013. ?Last Viewed January 19, 2013.

(5) Dulcy Gregory. ?Wellness Is No Passing Fad: Global Market Estimated at Nearly $2 Trillion. SRI International. ?Global Spa and Wellness Summit, Blog Posted June 24, 2010. ? Last Viewed January 19, 2013,


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