Monday, August 27, 2012

My Mumoirs


Once again it has been quite some time that I have had a chance to write, it's been a busy 6 months with the usual plate spinning : )

As a bit of insight I thought I'd share how my brain works, I have quite a visual mind and often see myself quite literally juggling the main components of my life - motherhood, relationship, extended family, work, health, home, social life (tres scaled down!) and finances.

I used to see each area of life as a bucket and my aim was to ensure that everything was evenly filled - I'd make sure that I was balancing everything correctly, I could see what area's required more attention and I'd be able to see the areas which were doing just fine.

Anyway, my thought processes became a lot less than orangised and it became more like a circus in my mind. Maybe now that I?m thinking more rationally I realise that I didn't really HAVE to do half the things I thought I had to - cleaning the front door and path at 10pm on a Monday after coming home from work, cooking dinner (twice) bathing and putting Freya to bed is probably one of those things I didn't really have to do - Anxiety 0 - 1 Amy, thankfully that's in much better check now and things are just as productive yet much more calmer although I am still trying out this pretty new thing to me, it?s called - TAKING IT EASY!!!

It's actually not the easiest thing to do but I have little choice at the moment because my back pain made a devilish return. I am actually pretty fed up of talking about it and feeling it but its so flippin' consuming there?s not much room for anything else to think about!

I have scoliosis which means I have a curved spine and its compressing my nerves, pretty horrid really, I am coming closer to the end of a 6 month waiting list (and my tether!) to receive injections which will block the pain for another year - hooray!

I don't want Freya to miss out on things because of my problem. It's also increasingly painful sitting at a desk, the only relief I get is when I'm lying down - hardly possible to do very often except at bed time but I am trying to do it more in the evenings, and occasionally under my desk when it gets too much, I have to work and I enjoy my job but jeepers I don?t enjoy sitting at a desk at the moment!

I have a plan to see if I can be treated in a shorter space of time, well its a brain storm and tomorrow will be the day of taking action, making more calls and getting my back fixed so I can live the life that my mind wants to... (might have to give the skydive a miss in this life time) but I'm a Piscean, a dreamer ? and I can see a healthy happy person at the end of this!

On a side note, I think having a little artistic outburst and a chat with my friend Sara at her art workshop (Reclamation) today help, it really lifted my spirits and reminded me to keep in touch with my creative side; I loved using crayons to express my take on life as a mum!

Just realized its way past bed time so I must go now, night night! A x


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