Thursday, August 30, 2012

Idea Bucket Helps You Weigh Your Choices and Make Decisions [Ios Downloads]

Idea Bucket Helps You Weigh Your Choices and Make DecisionsiOS: Idea Bucket is like a pro and con list on steroids. You add ideas, chose important criteria, and rate each idea based on those criteria. Idea Bucket will then take all the data you gave it and tell you which choice is the best for you.

Here's an example: you want to take a vacation but you're not sure where you want to go. You can add all the potential locations as ideas, then set a bunch of criteria like shopping, night life, tourist attractions, and anything else you want to do. Once you've given Idea Bucket these options, you can judge each place based on the criteria you specified. When you're done, the app will tell you where you should go on vacation. That's just one example, however, as you can use it for making choice based on pretty much anything.

The app is pretty easy to use once you understand what you're doing, but it's kind of confusing otherwise. I usually don't like my hand held when I first launch an app, and prefer to just figure it out, but some built-in help would be nice. Idea Bucket is also more on the expensive side ($4), but you do get the iPhone and iPad version in one. If you're terrible at making decisions, or just need a little help with a few, check it out.

Idea Bucket ($4, Hybrid App) | iTunes App Store via Swissmiss


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