Saturday, March 24, 2012 ? Blog Archive ? Stage IV Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a malignant or carcenogenic growth composed of cells from the prostate gland. The expansion generally occurs steadily and remains limited to the glands for several years and during this period there are minimal symptoms.

The reasons for prostate cancer are still not known but the predisposing factors include advancing age, genetics, hormonal influences and such environmental elements as poisons, chemicals and commercial products.

There are four stages of prostate cancer determined by its advancement or spread throughout the body. Stage IV prostate cancer also known as stage T4 using the TMN staging system which uses the letters T, N, and M to signal Tumor, Nodes and Metastasis.

It is the most advanced stage. At this point the cancer has spread outside the prostrate to distant locations in the body. The bones are a favored site of prostate cancer spread. This stage can be further subdivided into two subcategories depending on the limits of spread of the cancer. These stages are D1 and D2.

In D1 the cancer has spread to the extent of obstructing the tubes coming from the kidneys to the bladder, it has also spread to the pelvic lymph nodes or both cases may happen. In D2 the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes outside the pelvic area, the bones or other distant parts of the body.

The signs and problems at this point in time, include a burning sensation during urination,blood in the pee, fatigue, malaise, weight loss, abdominal pains, jaundice can be noted, chest discomfort and coughing happening due cancer spread to the lungs. The presence of these symptoms is not diagnosing of the condition so appropriate medical tests should be done to confirm the sickness.

At this point it is often tricky to cure the disease but there are many therapies which can on occasion be done to enhance the quality of life and reduce the suffering of the patients.

John Ward is a health writer who has web site on prostate health news. Go visit his site for the ultimate resourse on all things concerning prostate health.


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