Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Poll Watch: Washington Post-ABC News Survey on Gun Control

Washington Post-ABC News Poll on Gun Control

Would you support or oppose a law requiring a nationwide ban on semi-automatic handguns, which automatically re-load every time the trigger is pulled?

Note:?66% of Democrats, 47% of Independents, and 40% of Republicans support a ban on semi-automatic handguns; as do 40% of men and 60% of women. Sixty-four percent (64%) of non-gun owners, but only 36% of gun-owning households also back a ban on semi-automatics.
Would you support or oppose a law requiring a nationwide ban on high-capacity ammunition clips, meaning those containing more than 10 bullets?

Note:?81% of Dems, 60% of Indies, and 59% in GOP support a ban on high-capacity clips; as do 57% of men and 72% of women. Seventy-five percent (75%) of non-gun owners and 55% of gun-owning households also back such a ban.

Would you support or oppose a law requiring a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons?

Note:?76% of Democrats, 54% of Independents, and 45% of Republicans support an assault weapons ban; as do 50% of men and 66% of women. Seventy-one percent (71%) of non-gun owners, but just 45% of gun-owning households also back a ban on the sale of assault weapons.

Would you support or oppose a law requiring background checks on people buying guns at gun shows?

Would you support or oppose a law requiring placing an armed guard in every school in the country?

Would you support or oppose a law requiring the creation of a new federal database to track all gun sales in this country?

Would you support or oppose a law requiring background checks on anyone buying gun ammunition?

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the leadership of the National Rifle Association?

  • Favorable 36%
  • Unfavorable 44%

Note:?While 55% of Republicans have a favorable impression of the NRA, only 24% of Democrats and 35% of Independents view them favorably; as do 45% of men, but just 28% of women. Although 52% of gun-owning households have a favorable impression of the NRA, only 22% of non-gun owners share their positive views of the gun lobby group.

Do you think the National Rifle Association has too much influence, too little influence, or the right amount of influence over gun control laws in this country?

  • Too much 38%
  • Too little 24%
  • Right amount 30%

Thinking about the elementary school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut last month ? would you say this incident has made you more likely to support some forms of gun control, less likely to support some forms of gun control, or made no difference in your opinion on gun control?

  • More likely 52%
  • Less likely 5%
  • No difference 42%

Do you or does anyone in your house own a gun, or not?

Note: 32% of Democrats, 44% of Independents, and 59% of Republicans live in gun-owning households.? While 52% of men are in gun-owning homes, only 37% of women live in armed households.
Survey of 1,001 adults was conducted January 10-13, 2013. The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points. Party ID: 33% Democrat; 24% Republican; 37% Independent.


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